Insider tips that anyone moving to Basel, Switzerland needs to know!
Overwhelmed about moving to Basel, Switzerland?
Been offered a job and need more information to make the decision?
Have you accepted a job in Basel, and want to know more about the city you are moving to?
Have just arrived in Basel and need to know where to have fun and where to stay away from?
Trying to figure out why you keep getting fined when you ride the tram, put out the garbage or ride your bike?
Discover The Only Dedicated Guide to Moving to Basel, Switzerland…
Be Prepared Before… During… and After You Arrive!!!
Read on to find out how you can move to, and thrive in Basel, Switzerland, even if you don’t speak German or French!
Dear Basel Neighbor-to-be,
You’re here because you’re thinking about, are planning to, or have just moved to Basel, Switzerland. Basel is a world-wide hub for banking, the pharmaceutical industry, as well as for art and fashion. Perhaps you or your spouse has been offered a job here in Basel, or you’re a student or a trainee just coming for a short time… Switzerland is a fantastic country to live in, but if you’re from North America or the UK, you’re in for a shock! Even if you’re from other parts of Europe, you may find it expensive and sometimes embarrassing to adapt to life in Basel without help.
Things you can get fined for in Basel, if you don’t do them right:
You need to know how to avoid these pitfalls!
There is a large expat community in Basel, and we’ve all gone through this steep learning curve. All of us have stories about the hundreds of francs in we’ve received in fines, incurred for various small mistakes, in the first few months we were in the city. We all agree that we could easily have avoided these expensive errors, if we just knew what to do beforehand… Now I’ll tell you! Think of the 11.99 USD as an investment, saving you these hundreds of francs in fines (and the embarrassment of having to deal with the local authorities)!

You probably also have lots of questions about the city that need to be answered. Unfortunately, much of the information you need is scattered across the internet, and usually in different languages (German, French, or Italian). The information you do find in English is very general, about the whole of Switzerland. What they don’t tell you is that Switzerland is split up into 26 cantons, each of these with different regulations, social systems and laws, and how to navigate these for Basel.
Some of the questions you might have are:
- How do I get health insurance and what are all the different policies for?
- What options do I have to send my children to school, or to go myself?
- What taxes do I have to pay? When, and how much?
- Can you get by speaking only English? Where can I learn German?
- What are good restaurants and bars in Basel?
- Where in Basel can I see a play, go to a movie or go dancing?
- Are the local teams where I can play my favorite sports? Where can I go to watch sports?
- Where can I find religious services or places of worship for my particular faith?
The answers to these questions are time consuming to find, and often more complicated than you would think…
I Came To Basel With All Those Questions In Mind…
When I arrived in Basel, I fell in love with the city, but had lots and lots of issues getting it right with the day-to-day things, like taking out the garbage (its more complicated than it sounds), riding my bicycle or finding a decent place to eat. Making a doctor’s appointment, finding a late-night pharmacy and setting up health insurance were a huge struggle. Even riding the tram was a nightmare!! I ultimately learned these things from experience, but in doing so, ended up paying hundreds of francs in fines, pestering my work colleagues for information, and finding out the hard way, about places that I wish I could have avoided. The move was much more stressful than it needed to be, because there was no one to guide me or answer my questions.
Some of you won’t like Basel!
I moved to Basel and feel more at home here than anywhere else in the world… But I’ve seen people from so many countries, who have taken jobs here, not knowing what to expect, who hate living in Basel! These people tried to research the city, but there were no resources available to give them an unbiased perspective of Basel before they made the decision to move here. They looked at sites funded by the city, sites from the tourism board, sites from their employers, all of whom had a vested interest in them coming to the city. They uprooted their lives, families and careers only to end up disappointed, having to make an expensive move back to home, because they didn’t have access to non-biased information. Its better to do your research in advance, then to realize after moving that you’ve made the wrong decision!!
Only 11.99 USD!!
I didn’t want the same thing to happen to others!
So I took action. I created the website, which is regularly updated with new, unbiased information geared to the new expat in Basel. The site has helped lots expats make an informed decision on if they want to move to Basel, and how to start out right when they arrive in the city.
But it wasn’t enough!
I’ve received emails asking more specific questions, suggesting I expand, reorganize and provide the information as a stand-alone resource. So that’s exactly what I did…

I created the ultimate, unbiased, 170+ page expat ebook guide, Moving to Basel, to help you:
- Deciding whether you want to come to Basel or not.
- In planning your move to Basel, if you decide to come.
- To help you get settled.
- To avoid common pitfalls and the expensive fines that go with them.
Moving to Basel
This ebook has everything you need to make an informed decision about coming to Basel, and if you decide to, for your new life in Basel. It not only includes all the content of the website but over 3x more information. It’s unbiased, because I don’t benefit if you come to Basel, one way or the other… I want you to know both the good and bad things about the city.
Here’s What You Are Going To Learn Inside
This incredible guide answers everything you need to know for your successful new life in Basel. Here’s just a taste of what you’ll find inside:
- The Moving to Basel eBook has brand new chapters not available on the Life in Basel website:
Getting Around Basel
- Riding Your Bicycle in Basel – Not as simple as it sounds and you can get your car license revoked if you do it wrong!!
- Driving in Basel – What you need to do to drive in Switzerland and where you can find drivers training
- Being a Pedestrian in Basel – It sounds simple but in Switzerland there are rules
Day-to-Day Living in Basel
- Grocery Shopping in Basel – Shops, loyalty cards and for those to busy to shop, grocery delivery services in Basel
- Shopping in Basel and Across the Border – Shopping centers and how to get your taxes back if you shop in Germany or France
- Practicing your Religion in Basel – Places of worship and religious organizations in the city for all faiths
Culture in Basel
- Museums in Basel – Basel has more museums than you can imagine; this is a guide to the major ones
- Live Music in Basel – There are so many different live music venues in Basel, you need help to find what you like
- Theater and Dance Performances in Basel – Where can you see plays, musicals and other performances
Fun in Basel
- Dining out in Basel – An extensive guide to Basel restaurants for anything you’re in the mood for, whether its a casual meal or something really special
- Drinks in Basel – Places with the best cocktails, wines and beers
- Cool Things to do in Basel – In the spring, summer, fall and winter
Sports in Basel
- Playing Sports in Basel – Gyms, sports clubs and equipment for the athletic types
- Watching Sports in Basel – Where to see live or televised sporting events in the city
Pets in Basel
- Bringing your Pets to Basel – What you need to know about vaccinations, microchips and registration if you plan to bring a pet
- Flying your Animals to Basel – Transport regulations for cages and shipping your animals
- Owning a Dog in Basel – Owning a dog in Basel might be more complicated than in your home country! Here are the rules
Bad things in Basel
- Crime in Basel – Basel isn’t a perfect place. You need to be careful of crimes and might want to avoid some places
- Drugs in Basel – Basel has it’s share of junkies, and drug users; this will tell you about how to navigate the city safely
- Other Negative Aspects of Basel – Discrimination, prostitution, incessant construction are all discussed in this section
Work and School
- Companies in Basel and the surrounding area – Links to company websites in the banking, pharma, medical, fashion and other industries
- Paycheck Deductions – Think you know your monthly salary? See where your money goes to, and what this is for
- Going to University in Basel – Basel has an excellent university. This gives an overview of the different programs available
- Masters and Doctoral Degrees at UniBasel – Looking for an advanced degree? This is what Basel has to offer!
It’s also got all the content from the website so you can refer to it even when you don’t have access to the internet. Keep a copy on your tablet or smartphone so you have it at your fingertips whenever you need it.
- Getting a Job in Basel
- Registering with the Canton
- Health Insurance
- Getting Sick in Basel
- Finding an Apartment in Basel
- Furnishing your Basel Apartment
- Setting up internet, TV and telephone
- Sending your Children to School in Basel
- Using the Trams in Basel
- Setting up a Bank Account
- Taxes in Basel
- Garbage and Recycling in Basel
- Keeping in Touch with Home
- Being Single in Basel
- Going to the Movies in Basel
All the information you need as an expat trying to decide to live in Basel, or moving to Basel is right here.
This is incredibly specialized information, with a limited audience. The reason we can offer it at this low cost is because the ebook is downloaded to you over your computer allowing us to forego shipping, storage, or manufacturing costs. You don’t have to wait for it to be delivered, as it’s electronic (a PDF file) and will be downloaded and viewed on your computer or tablet. The book has hyperlinks to hundreds of different sites within the text, to give you more in depth information and resources at your disposal.
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You don’t have to wait for shipping because it is a PDF product and it can be downloaded to your laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc. You’ll also receive an email to the address you provide, with a download link. Keep this, in case you lose the file in a computer crash or accidentally delete it. The link will be good for 6 months or 3 downloads, which ever comes first. If you have any questions, you can email me at admin(at)
If you’re worried about being ripped off, go online and check out PayPal. They have been around for 15 years, have satisfied millions of customers. And remember, there is no risk here. I’m so confident you’ll be happy with the ebook that I’ll refund your money, if you’re not happy with your purchase. I hope you make the right decision for you and your family, on whether you want to come to Basel, or not. Whatever you decide, I know this ebook will help! If you do make it to Basel, I hope to meet you in person!!
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